¿ Qué hay detrás de los nombres de Harry Potter y sus amigos ? ¿ Por qué los eligió J.K. Rowling ?
(What's behind the names of Harry Potter and his friends? Why did J.K. Rowling choose them?)
"I collect unusual names. I have notebooks full of them. Some names the invention as Quiddish or Malfoy. Other names have meaning. And I have saints' names, places, memorials, gravestones. Only collect - I so interested in names. "

Henry James Potter (July 31, 1980)
name Potter, along with "Potter" or "pottery" also means " mass grave, a cemetery in which they used bury strangers or very poor .
"Harry" is the nombre preferido por Rowling para un chico. El nombre es de origen anglosajón y significa " poder ".
Y " James ", por ser el nombre de su padre .
(Potter's name, apart the person who makes ceramic wares, refers to a "potter's field," which is a cemetery in which people of unknown identity or the very poor are buried. "Harry" is Rowling's favorite boy's name. It is of Anglo-Saxon origin and means "power." "James" after his father.)
El cumpleaños de Harry "coincide" con el cumpleaños de Rowling (She in 1966) and almost 's birthday Daniel Radcliffe , the actor who plays him in the movies, born July 23, l989.
(Harry's birthday "matches" with Rowling's birthday Also on July 31-but in 1966, and Almost Daniel Radcliffe's birthday Which is on July 23, 1989.)

Wand : wood Holly , measuring 28 cm and soul is phoenix feathers, feathers are the tail of Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix . This wand is "sister "of of Voldemort .)
(Harry Potter's wand is made of holly, Measures 11''long, and you phoenix feathers embedded in STI core; feathers Are from Fawkes's tail, Dumbledore's phoenix. This wand is" brother "to Voldemort's wand.)

" Hedwig " is patron of orphans and lived in Germany in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.
Its name means" refuge in the battle . "
(The Saint of Orphans That Lived in Germany in the 13th and 14th Century. Means" refuge in battle. ")
The owls are the main half of communication between magicians in the world of Harry. However, in many parts of the world, thought that owls bring bad luck and were obituary.
(Owls Are the Primary Means of communication entre wizards in Harry's world. However, in Many parts of the world, owls Are Considered bad luck and harbingers of death.)

Hermione Jean / Jane Granger (September 19th, 1979)
"Granger " means "farmer " a very ordinary person, like Hermione's parents.
"Hermione " means "well born ", " simple" or " stone." The name comes from the book " The Winter's Tale" by William Shakespeare .
(Granger - Granger is a very common person, just like Hermione's parents. Hermione - Means "well-born," "earthy," or "stone." The name is derived from William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale; Rowling CLAIMED That She wanted it to Be unusual adjuntos if Fewer girls shared her name, fewer girls Would get teased for it.)

The wand Hermione Granger is vine wood , measuring 27 cm long and soul is dragon heart.
(Hermione Granger's wand is made of vine wood, Measures 10 ¾ "long and have Dragon heartstring in STI core.)

Ronald Bilius Weasley (March 1, 1980)
" Ron ", Ronald del nórdico antiguo "Rögnvaldr": " Tener el poder de los Dioses "
" Bilius ", bilioso , uno de los cuatro " humores " (temperamentos) según Hipócrates, denota enojo y mal humor .
(J.K. Rowling said: "In Britain and Ireland the weasel has a bad reputation as an unfortunate, even malevolent, animal. However, since childhood I have had a great fondness for the family mustelidae; not so much malignant as maligned, in my opinion." The Weasleys and the weasel both share red hair. "Ron" (from old Norse, Rögnvaldr, "Having the Gods' Power". "Bilius", bilious, one of the four " humors " (temperaments) according to Hippocrates, indicating anger and peevishness.)

La Ron magic wand is made of wood ash , measuring 30 cm and has soul of unicorn's mane.
(Ron Weasley's wand is made of ash wood, Measures 12 "long and unicorn hair embedded in STI core.)

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (July? August? 1881 - June, 1997)
" Dumbledore" is an Old English word which means "bumblebee .
En cuanto a los nombres se puede interpretar que representan las cuatro primeras divisiones de las islas británicas : " Albus " en latín significa " blanco " pero también es la forma masculina de "Alba" antiguo nombre de Escocia ; " Percival " fue un caballero galés de la Tabla Redonda del Rey Arturo que participó en la búsqueda del Santo Grial ; " Wulfric " es un nombre anglosajón y puede que represente a Inglaterra ; finalmente, " Brian " es un nombre celta , que significa "fuerte".
("Dumbledore" is an Old English word meaning "bumblebee". As Rowling stated "it seemed to suit the headmaster, because one of his passions is music and I imagined him walking around humming to himself". Dumbledore's given names could be interpreted as representing the four primary divisions of the British Isles: "Albus" is Latin for "white but also the masculine form of "Alba", an ancient name for Scotland; "Percival" was a Welsh knight of King Arthur's Round Table involved in the Grail quest; "Wulfric" is an Anglo-Saxon name and could be representative of England; finally, "Brian" is a Celtic name, meaning "strong.")

The Dumbledore's wand is made of elderberry wood , measuring 38 cm and soul is thestral mane.
(Dumbledore 's wand is made of elder wood, Measures 15 "long; STI core: thestral hair.)

Rubeus Hagrid (December 6, 1928)
" Hagrid "most probably comes the word "emaciated " also means "wild " or "rebel .
" Rubeus "in Latin means algo producido a partir de una zarza o un matorral, lo que se ajusta a la descripción que Rowling hace de él como " salvaje ".
("Hagrid" most likely comes from the term "haggard" which also means "wild" or "unruly". "Rubeus" is Latin for something produced from a bramble or a thicket, which fits Rowling's description of him as "wild.")

Draco Lucius Malfoy (June 5, 1980)
" Draco " en latín significa "dragón" y es una constelación que se parece a un dragón , pero es una serpiente . También hubo un legislador griego Draco called that developed a system of harsh punishment for the most insignificant crimes. Hence the adjective "draconian " means "hard or cruel ."
("Draco" in Latin means "dragon." También It That looks like a constellation But a dragon is a snake. There Was Also a Greek ruler named Draco Who Developed a system of Severe punishments for the Smallest of Crimes. Henco the adjective "draconian" means "harsh or cruel.")
" Lucius is a name derived from Latin and means" bright "or" intelligent "and relates to the name of Lucifer , the first name of Satan.
(" Lucius "That is a name derives from Latin meaning" bright "or" intelligent "and is related to the name Lucifer, the first name of Satan.)
" Malfoy" in Old French means "bad faith .
(Malfoy is from the Old French and means" Bad Faith. ")

The magic wand of Draco Malfoy wood is hawthorn , measuring 25 cm and soul is unicorn mane .
(Draco Malfoy's wand made of hawthorn, measures10 "long and Unicorn hair embedded in STI core.)

Severus Snape
" Snape "and the name of a town in northern England, means "rebuke ", " hurt" and "blame " dialectical outdated English of the area.
" Severus" is Latin for " severe" or "hard ." seems be that Rowling made the Potions professor considering a chemistry teacher that had and did not like.
("Snape" apart from the name of a town in northern England, means "to rebuke", "to hurt" and "blame" in the dialectical obsolete Inglés of the area. "Severus" is Latin for "stern" or "harsh." It Seems That Rowling made the Potions professor considering a chemistry teacher That She Once Had and Did not like.)

Voldemort / TOM Marvolo Riddle (December 31, c. 1926 - May 2, 1998)
The name of Voldemort comes from the French phrase meaning " flight / escape from death " or even "stealing death." In the second novel (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets), Rowling nos muestra que " Soy Lord Voldemort " es el anagrama de " Tom Sorvolo Ryddle " (en la excelente traducción española de Adolfo Muñoz y Nieves Martín Azofra .)
(The name Voldemort comes from the French words meaning "flight from death," or "steal from death" and his entire goal is to conquer death. In the second novel (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets), Rowling shows us that "I am Lord Voldemort" is an anagram of "Tom Marvolo Riddle," which is his actual full name. – The English translators, Adolfo Muñoz and Nieves Martín Azofra, did an excellent work adapting the anagram.)

Voldemort's wand is made of wood of yew , measuring 32 cm and soul is phoenix feather. It is the "sister " of the wand of Harry .
(Voldemort's wand is made of yew, Measures 13 ½ "long and has Phoenix feather in STI core." Brother "to Harry's wand.)
The truth is that this only is a small sample of rich and fascinating world created by Rowling. world that I encourage that you go near if you have not done so: first the books and after the movies.
do not know who said that he envied which have started to read them so many wonderful worlds to discover and explore .
To me I feel the same .
(The Truth Is That this is only a sample of the rich and fascinating world created by JK Rowling. A World Which I Encourage you to know if you still Have Not done so, first with the books and Then with the movies.
I Do Not Remember Who Said That he / she send Those Who Were Beginning to Read Because They Had So Many wonderful worlds to discover and explore. I feel the same.)
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- JKRowling Official Site of
- Random History.com
- Mugglenet Harry Potter Wiki
- Accio Quote! (Largest archive of JK Rowling quotes on the web)
- The Diccionario.org (The Encyclopedia of World of Harry Potter in English)
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