Palle Huld's trip
When Palle Huld died on 26 November, the newspaper -a-week after the news titled: "Palle Huld dies, the reporter and actor who inspired Hergé to create Tintin" (World ).
(When Palle Huld Died on November 26, newspapers, a week after the news, titled "Danish Actor Said to Be Model for Tintin, Dies at 98" - The New York Times .) However
, what struck me was that a boy of 15 years to turn around the world alone .
(However, What struck me That Was the fact-to 15-year-old boy Travelled around the world alone.)
The of Huld adventure began the morning of February 24, 1928 , when I worked at F. Bülow & Co, a company car in central Copenhagen , he had come to apprentice. A colleague showed him a copy of enthusiastic newspaper "Politiken" that looking for guys 15 years to travel around the world following the steps of Phileas Fogg in commemoration of the centenary of birth of Jules Verne .
(Began on Huld's adventure the morning of February 24, 1928, while working at F. He Was Bulow & Co, an automobile firm in the center of Copenhagen, where, as an apprentice to my attention. A colleague Eichmann him enthusiastically a copy of Politiken newspaper Which advertised for 15-year-old boys to travel around the world in Phileas Fogg's footsteps in commemoration of the 100-year anniversary of Jules Verne's birth.)
The contest was Teen only and should winner circle the world alone and had to do in 46 days, using any means transport aircraft except .
(WAS The contest open only to teenage boys, the winner circle the globe Would unaccompanied, and I HAD to complete the trip Within 46 days, using Any conveyance But the airplane.)
According to his autobiography , felt that " Something in me had to try ." He ran home with the permission of their parents who needed them. But when he entered the building of "Politiken " was surprised to see another 350 applicants that filled the staircase waiting for the interview.
(According to Fuld's autobiography, "Something in me Had to try it." I Rushed home for the required parental permission slip. But when to have heard the Politiken building, I WAS shocked by the 350 Other hopefuls Who filled the staircase waiting to Be Seen.)
interviewed the individual asking kids what they would do in difficult situations. When asked how he would react if you were in China, having lost all their belongings, a boy replied that "I'd try to find a Dane who help me."
(The Boys Were Interviewed Individually about What They Would Do in Difficult situations. When Asked How He Would react if I found Himself in China HAVING lost historical Entire belongings, one boy Answered That I would 'try to find a Dane somewhere to help me'.)
Huld returned home with his sisters incordiantes that claimed that Palle, "the mama's boy " never be elected. Surely other applicants - the high school students wealthy families - were more suitable candidates this apprentice hair carrot had not completed their education . However his return to the office of "Politiken" more Later that day, Huld discovered that was chosen by the newspaper.
(Huld returned home to His teasing sisters, Who assured him That 'mummy's boy Palle' would never Be Picked. Surely Other contenders - high school students from wealthy backgrounds - Were A more Obvious candidate Than This carrot-topped apprentice Who Had His education never completed? Yet on His return to the office Politiken Later That Day, Huld Was the individual the newspaper chose.)
The train Palle left Copenhagen on March 1 at 8 morning. Along the path passing through Denmark, many people flying flags and offered him gifts for the trip.
(Huld's train left Copenhagen at 8:00 a.m. on 1 March. All the way across Denmark crowds Waved flags and Offered small gifts for the voyage.)
From Copenhagen , Huld had to cross Denmark to the port of Esbjerg on the west coast of Jutland and then travel by boat to England. Then be directed to the north of Scotland to cross the Atlantic to Canada that cross train before heading to Japan . The route would take him through Southeast Asia, and then the Trans-Siberian Railway throughout the Soviet Union until Moscow, where travel through Poland to Germany before returning to Denmark .
(From Copenhagen, Huld WAS to cross Denmark to the port of Esbjerg on Jutland's west coast and Then travel by boat to England. He Would Then head north to Scotland, crossing the Atlantic Into Canada, Which He Would traverse by train Before sailing to Japan. The route Would Then take him-through south-east Asia, Then by the Trans-Siberian Railway across the Soviet Union to Moscow, From Where I Would travel to Germany via Poland Before Returning Home to Denmark.)
What the "Politiken " to Huld not admit to his readers nor was his concern the region of Manchuria devastated by war, now turned into a region of China . In 1928 , Manchuria was in the middle of a fight between Soviet forces and Japanese, who were trying to put one foot in China.
(What Did not Admit to Politiken Either Their Huld or Concerned About Their readers WAS the war-torn region of Manchuria, now a region in north-east China. In 1928, WAS Manchuria in the Midst of a Power Struggle Between the Japanese and Soviet forces, Who Were Attempting to gain a foothold in China.)
The newspaper could breathe easy when Huld safely left Manchuria . Almost ruins the whole trip in Canada , however, when the lost train after an impromptu trip to San Juan to to impress a young he had known in the boat. But at the end got to get Montreal on a special train used by migrants.
(The paper Could breathe a sigh of relief when to Manchuria Huld left unscathed. I Almost ruined the whole trip in Canada Though, missing the train cross country after an impromptu tour of St. John to impress a young girl I met on Had the boat. However I managed to Reach Montreal Used on a special train by Emigrants.)

the world in only 46 days without use the plane Huld meant he could not stay long in no time país. Pero en sólo 48 horas, Japón logró dejarlo con una impresión duradera . El joven era una novedad en el Lejano Oriente, aunque esto tenía menos que ver con su viaje como con su pelo rojo .
(Crossing the world in just 46 days without the use of aircraft meant that Huld could not stop in any country for long. But in only 48 hours, Japan managed to leave him with a lasting impression. He was a novelty in the Far East, although this had less to do with his journey than with his red hair.)
En Moscú fue dónde Huld se llevó el mayor susto trip. arrived early and no one came to meet so he decided to try to locate the Danish consulate itself. After a long walk around the city in horse-drawn carriage, was hopelessly lost. When viewing a Hotel Europe, asked the reception staff that called by phone consulate to send someone to meet him. Huld was lucky. Foreigners in Moscow at that time could easily be arrested simply for a walk without an escort.
(Moscow gabe Huld his biggest scare of the trip. He arrived early with no-one to meet him, and decided to try to locate the Danish consulate himself. After a lengthy tour of the city by horse-drawn cab, he was hopelessly lost. Noticing a Hotel Europa, he asked the reception staff who telephoned the consulate to send someone out to meet him. Huld had been lucky. Foreigners in Moscow at that time could easily be arrested simply for taking a walk without an escort.)
El viaje de Huld acabó bien , tras 44 días –dos menos de los previstos—para alivio de su madre a la que habían recetado pastillas para dormir . Con 20.000 personas waiting to give you the welcome , the trip ended with shoulder Huld two burly policemen that pushed through the crowd to take to where he expected his family .
(Huld's trip ended Safely after 44 days, two less Than planned-much to the relief of His mother Who Had Been prescribed sleeping tablets for the duration. With 20.000 people waiting to greet him on historical return, Huld's journey ended on the shoulders of two burly policemen pushed Who Their way Through the crowd waiting to historical family.)
To Huld, this adventure was just the beginning of a life dedicated to the public . In 1933 year 2000 enjoyed a long career of actor in Denmark, performing on stage at the Royal Danish Theatre and starring in 40 films about .
(For Fuld, this adventure Was Only the Beginning of a Life Spent in the public eye. From 1933 to 2000 I Enjoyed a lengthy acting career in Denmark, performing with the Royal Danish Theatre and Appearing in 40 movies.)
described his adventure in a book entitled " Around the World in 44 days " which appeared in 1930 in English and was translated into 11 languages \u200b\u200b to .
(Huld wrote a book about historical adventures Which WAS published in 11 languages \u200b\u200band in Inglés Appeared as "A Boy Scout Around the World" in 1929).
That Hergé was inspired by him to his character Tintin is the least interesting of all this, in my opinion. I wish I could find the book to read this journey .
(WAS inspired by Hergé If Huld to create historical character Tintin is the least interesting thing of all, in my opinion. I wish I could find the book to read-through this journey.)
Source: The Copenhagen Post