Universal Corporation Mr. Capuñay surprising that all dates the world is on other things. Today's news December 24 is the exchange of their radio frequencies. Recall that for almost a year Z Pop and Rock Radio had the frequency of 95.5 after the purchase and the premature death of the Z Radio 95.5 was changed to "La Kalle." A few weeks ago bought Radio Miraflores Capuñay group in the frequency 96.1 and then a slow death (with some programs Miraflores survivors) of 96.1 was taken over by Radio's Success. Today
24, a few hours of celebrating Christmas Universal Corporation has allowed frequencies, we have now by the Kalle 96.1 and 95.5 can hear the Radio's Success. All indications are that by the end of the year we've heard anything promising on the frequency of Double Radio 9.
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