• In 1996 the American Society of Civil Engineers named the tunnel as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World .
(In 1996 the American Society of Civil Engineers Identified the tunnel as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World)
• " Chunnel" is the nickname for tunnel Channel.
("Chunnel" is the nickname for the Ch annel T unnel .)

• Has 50.5 km long, which 37, 9 km are some 45 m below the seabed the Channel.
(It is 31.4 thousand long, 23 miles of it at 147ft. Under the seabed of the Channel Inglés.)
• is located at an average depth 45 m and its deepest point reaches 75 m under sea level.
(Average depth is 147 ft and at STI Lowest point it is 250 ft deep Below Sea Level.)
(Hover your mouse pointer over the picture to see the translation Into Inglés.)
This tunnel actually consists of 3 tunnels :
(This tunnel Actually Consists of 3 tunnels:)
• Two tunnels 7.6 m diameter of reserved for rail a distance of 30 m each other and length of 50 km .
(Two 25 ft diameter rail tunnels, 98 ft apart, 31 mi in length.)
• A utility tunnel of 4.8 m diameter of the two main tunnels. Allows the ventilation, access to maintenance and serves as emergency exit .
(A 16 ft diameter service tunnel Between the two main tunnels. Provides ventilation, maintenance access and evacuation route.)
• 245 pairs of crossing bridges -one every 375 m de of 3.3 m diameter to join the railway tunnels to service tunnel. Allow access to the means of maintenance equipment and help the airflow from the service tunnel.
(245 pairs of 11 ft diameter cross-passages-every 1.230 ft-linking the rail tunnels to the service tunnel. They work crews Give access to the tracks and help carry air from the service tunnel.)
• ducts of 2 m of diameter that connect the rail tunnels every 250 m to equalize air pressure of the tunnels.
(Piston relief ducts Connecting the 7 ft diameter rail tunnels at 820 ft spacing to equalize air pressure tunnels.)
• Two caverns crossing connecting the two tunnels and allow the shunting of trains.
(Two undersea crossover caverns to connect the rail tunnels and to allow trains to change tracks.)
• It took technicians 1300, engineers and workers to build it.
(1300 Technicians, engineers, and Workers built the Chunnel.)
• The cost was 5.45 billion euros, about 13,000 million of today.
(It cost £ 4650 million to build, about £ 11 billion today.)

11 tunnels were used (6 British side and side 5 French ) to dig the tunnel to an average of 76.2 m by days . The tunneling with length of 2 football (about 200 m), 1100 t weight and 8.8 m diameter of . The rotating head has a cutting elements of tungsten .
(Eleven tunnel boring machines (6 TBMs on the British side, 5 on the French side) Were Used To dig the Channel Tunnel at the rate of 250 feet a day. The tunnel boring machines Are Like large cylinders with a length of two football fields, weight 1.200 tons, and Are 29 ft diameter. The cutters of the tunnel boring machines That Are fixed at the front side of the machine Have tungsten teeth.)
The construction beganthe British side channel on December 15, 1987 while French began the February 28, 1988 . On December 1, 1990 both sides were found to 22.3 km British side of the channel, and 15.6 km French side.
(The Began construction on the British side of the Channel on December 15th, 1987 Followed by Beginning work on the French side on February 28th, 1988. On December 1st 1990 the two ends of the tunnel first met me from the British 13.8 side of the Channel and 9.7 my from the French side.)
With its 37.9 km is the longest tunnel in the world underwater. Although Seikan tunnel of in Japan is the longest (53.85 km) and deepest (240 m below sea level), "only" covers 23.35 km under the sea.
(With STD 23 mi it is the longest underwater tunnel. Although the Seikan Tunnel in Japan is at 33.46 overalls Longer Both me and Deeper at 790 ft Below Sea Level, it "only" covers my undersea 14.5.)
The Eurotunnel company has a concession of British and French governments to manage the tunnel until 2052 . Offers two services :
(Eurotunnel is the company Which has a concession by the British and French governments to manage the tunnel Until 2052. It runs two services:)
• The Eurostar played by a company independent private Eurotunnel. The Eurostar trains are 394 m of long and can carry 750 passengers : 206 in first class , 544 in economy class . Can reach 300 kilometers per hour in the high-speed, 160 mph in channel tunnel. It takes approximately 30 minutes to cross the Canal de la Mancha through the tunnel.
(The Eurostar service is operated by a private company Separate from Eurotunnel. Eurostar trains Are dog 1.293 ft long and carry 750 Passengers: 206 in first class, 544 in standard class. They CAN Operate at up to 186 mph on high- speed lines, and 99 mph in the Channel Tunnel. It Takes Approximately 30 minutes to Inglés cross the Channel Through the Tunnel.)
• "Le Shuttle ," shuttle-owned by Eurotunnel for heavy goods vehicles . The trip the tunnel lasts 35 minutes from Folkestone to Coquelles / Calais. The wagons used to transport have a loading gauge larger than either British or French railways therefore can not travel outside the tunnel and the two terminals.
("Le Shuttle" owned by Eurotunnel for heavy goods vehicles. The Journey Through the tunnel Takes 35 minutes from Folkestone to Coquelles / Calais. The carriages Used for the shuttle Have A larger loading gauge Than Either British or French railways, consequently They Can not travel Outside the tunnel and the two terminals.)
• I must admit that when I traveled on Eurostar few years ago, was so tired that I slept just getting on the train and woke up in Paris. " it because is very comfortable ?
(I Must Confess That When I Travelled on the Eurostar A Few years ago, I Was so tired I fell asleep That just after getting on the train and I awoke in Paris. Must it Means Be Quite comfortable?)
In tribute to everyone who worked there, I edited this video showing how the tunnel was drilled .
(And here, in tribute to all the People Who Worked there, I edited this video Showing how the tunnel was bored.)
could not leave this post without a fond remembrance Japan.
(I Could not finish this post Without A fond remembrance to Japan.)
(Hover your mouse pointer over the picture to see the translation Into Inglés.)
Channel Tunnel Construction Is What? Boring machines
Eurotunnel Channel Tunnel Home
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